Grad Student at 40

Guess Who?

Can you guess who this is?

#1. Guess Who?

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Judy Wathen
Judy Wathen

Moved to Rose Villa in 2019.

Is a dog owner.

Feeling stuck? No worries! Swing by in a few days to check the previous Guess Who? posts — click on a photo to see who it is!

Do you have an old photo to share with our community? Send it to Mary Claire Phelan, along with a current photo of yourself, for posting on, where we can enjoy wondering who that is!

Take a Photo with Your Smartphone

  1. Find a Bright Spot: Place your photo on a flat surface in a bright, evenly lit room. If possible, avoid overhead lights to reduce glare.
  2. Hold Your Phone Steady: Hold your smartphone directly above the photo. Try not to angle the phone, as this could distort the image.
  3. Take the Picture: Snap a photo of the print. It may take a few tries, but it doesn’t need to be perfect. Our technical team can crop and rotate your image as needed.

For a higher-quality scan

  • Install PhotoScan: Download the PhotoScan app by Google Photos, available for both Apple iOS and Android smartphones. Follow the app’s instructions to scan your photo.

If you have an iPhone, you can use the built-in Notes app to scan your photo:

  1. Open Notes: Start a new note.
  2. Scan Document: Tap the camera icon at the bottom of the screen and select “Scan Documents.”

Once you have your digital photo ready, send it to Mary Claire, and she’ll post it on for everyone to enjoy!