Individual Pursuits

Carl Petterson – Writing

Carl Peterson

Growing up, Carl says he was more comfortable with writing than with mathematics, despite an engineering major that required so many math classes.  He used math constantly in his working years and the formulas became familiar from constant use.

In contrast, he had to explain varying technical projects to others, usually in writing. He enjoyed the challenge of describing things in ways others could understand, but this was just one responsibility of many that he had during his working years.

Two decades after his retirement began, he and Susie found themselves at Rose Villa with time available for just about anything. He gravitated toward the Tuesday Writing Group. His oldest stories date from early in 2021, so the writing group must have begun when Rose Villa was shut down from COVID. He says he is surprised it has been more than three years because writing has remained such an enjoyable pursuit. Carl says his fellow writers are an extremely interesting bunch as they push themselves to improve.