Library Volunteers

Library Volunteers
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To keep the library running smoothly, we depend on volunteers. They do a variety of work, some helping weekly, others periodically or on special projects. 

The library has a volunteer for each day of the week who checks in books, checks out books, and shelves books. They are Julia Layden, Janet Murphy, Helen Umberger, Sarah Linden, Pam Duren, and Cathy Schar. Volunteer extraordinaire Janet Murphy has been helping in the library for over 12 years, starting when it was in the old recreation building.

Other volunteers provide special services.  Mimi Chitty puts plastic jackets on the books that will be part of our permanent collection (think Louise Penny and Ann Patchett titles). Marcia Krueger creates seasonal bookmarks.

Judy Francis does signage and displays of topical books, such as poetry and Black History Month. Patrick Mizelle helps with weeding, the lobby’s oversized book collection, and logistical work. He and Judy Francis did the majority of the book reshelving after the library was remodeled.

Library volunteers
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Our weekly shelf reader is  Michael Ossar. He finds items that are misplaced and gives me books that need new spine labels.

In addition, there are residents who serve as backups to fill in when daily helpers are away. Our current backup helpers are Diane Lee, Kate Birdsall, and Joncile Martin. Lastly, we owe the layout and appearance of our beautiful library to our professional architect Cathy Schwabe, who designed both the checkout desk, additional shelving, and what creates such a welcoming ambiance for users.

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Thank you Julia Layden, Joncile Martin, and Mimi Chitty