Middle District Candidates

Middle District
  • Garden Grove
  • South Central
  • Central Pocket

Vote for one candidate. The person who gets the most votes will be elected to a 3-year term, and the other will be appointed to complete Marti Franc’s 2-year term, assuming Marti is elected Vice Chair.

Marilyn Gottschall

I attended my first Resident Council meeting in February 2016, the month after I moved in. Since then I have ardently supported the Resident Council as the only campus entity that can address residents’ mutual concerns. As well, I have long recognized the difficulty of opening communication channels between residents and the Council. To that end I helped to organize each of the six Let’s Talk processes beginning in 2016 and co-authored reports that went to Council expressing the concerns of residents.

During 2022-23 I contributed to the transformation of the Council in several important ways: as the Chair of the Communications Committee (2022-2023), I oversaw the promotion of the new by-laws, helped publicize the Holleran Survey and its results, including the formation of resident-staff work groups. As the Chair of the Nominations Committee I shepherded the recruitment of qualified residents to run for Council positions. Each of these activities was undertaken both to foster communication between Council and residents and to promote the potential of the Council to represent resident concerns. I am interested in sitting on the Council as a representative of the Middle District to continue supporting and growing its potential.

Marilyn Gottschall

Jan Wainscott

1. What interests me in being a Councilor?

Throughout my nine years at Rose Villa, I have worked with various members of the Administration, as well as with many residents. I’m ready to utilize those relationships to make the Resident Council as effective as it can be. With the introduction of District meetings, Councilors now have more opportunity to hear,  define and resolve residents’ concerns/issues/questions. That, together with now having the ear of RV Admin., is the formula for successful collaboration.

2. What should you know about me?

My partner, Patti Campbell, and I have been residents at Rose Villa for nine years. In October, 2015, we moved into our brand new home in the Central Pocket Neighborhood, which was part of Phase 1.

I soon discovered the greatest asset RV has to offer is its residents. Second to that are the many and varied activities, most of which are as a volunteer.  Mine have included the following:  paddling on our Vikings dragon boat… water volleyball team… certified lifeguard for the lazy river,…captain of the Alzheimer’s Walk and donation drive (8 yrs.)…Comfort Companion, Opening Minds through Art (OMA), Tuesday Market (including taking delivery and distribution of hundreds of pounds of blueberries), Green Team (which led me to RV recycler of #1 plastics for the last 3 years)… Education and Enrichment committee for the RV Foundation.


Jan Wainscott