Resident Governance Videos

Resident Governance Introduction

Rose Villa Resident Association

Mutual Concerns and Resident Council Structure

Evolving mutual concerns

How to Contact the Council with a Concern

Councilors: Who to Contact to Get Involved or to Get Help

Resident Council Issue Escalation

More on Committees and Workgroups

Council Districts

How Meetings Are Conducted

Resident Council Funding

Can the Council Create Change?

Additional Information

Despite the name, the “Resident Forum” is an event put on by the administration, not the Resident Council. Residents, and even Council members, sometimes make announcements at the Resident Forum, but it is primarily a program of administration presentations combined with a Q&A session. Topics covered often include employee anniversaries, new employee introductions, upcoming events, etc. Sometimes, an administration department is featured, and various other topics are covered, ranging from Operations updates to budget discussions.

The Resident Council is the governing body of the Rose Villa Resident Association. The Rose Villa Board of Directors is the governing body for Rose Villa Inc. The Rose Villa CEO reports to the Rose Villa Board of Directors. There is a linkage between the Resident Council and the Rose Villa Board in that the Vice Chair, Chair, and Past Chair of the Resident Council are members of the Rose Villa Board of Directors.

Many Council Committees and Workgroups are looking for new members. Contact the chair of the Committee or Group you are interested in. They can provide more details on what the group does and what kind of help it needs. See the above video titled Who to Contact to Get Involved or to Get Help.