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ROSE Refresh Party

In collaboration with RVI and Green Hammer, Ready Force hosted a ROSE Refresh Party in the PAC on February 23, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. (ROSE is an acronym for Resilient Operations and Sustainable Environment.)

Intended as an annual event, the ROSE Refresh Party is a fun and effective way to “refresh” emergency supplies and “refresh” residents and staff’s understanding of what we and others can/should do during disasters and emergencies.

The 2024 ROSE Refresh Party’s theme was an event fair. Tables were set up in the PAC with disaster preparation display items, handouts, and demonstrations. Residents and Staff browsed the tables based on their own interests.

Handouts and related materials from the ROSE Refresh Party are available here.


2 Weeks Ready Water

Include Water

AquaBrick 3 Gallon Storage Container

Emergency Water Storage


Prepare Your Pantry – 2 Weeks Ready

Kelly Kettle

Keep It Simple

Food Storage Ideas for up to 3 Weeks

A Few Thoughts On Emergency Food Storage


RDPO Disaster Sanitation Campaign – Bucket Sticker

Backup Power

Portable Solar charger/Communication Station

Portable Power Station Considerations

Rose Villan energy demand work sheet.pdf

Rose Villan energy demand work sheet.xlsx

Air Filters

Air Purifier- Ratings & Reviews

Purple Air Outdoor Monitors at Rose Villa

Purple Air Quality Monitor Information

Medical, First Aid, AED

Contents of Common First Aid Kits

Contents of Ready Force Neighborhood First Aid Kit

RF Map for Neighborhood First Aid Kits and AEDs


Go Bag

Under the Bed Bag

Ready Force, Red Binder, Map Your Neighborhood

2024 Strategic Plan

Map Your Neighborhood Results and Analysis

RV Resident Emergency Response Guide (Red Binder), 06/01/2023

Ready Force Volunteers

Ready Force Map of Neighborhoods

RAP (Resiliency Action Plan)

RV RAP 2023 in Review

Executive Summary

Rose Villa RAP Report (94 pages)

RAP Slideshow

Update RVI Forms

Rose Villa Contact Emergency Info

Outside ROSE Lot Display (Cancelled)

Refresh Party’s ROSE Lot Demo