News From the RV Foundation

by Elliot McIntire

It’s been a rough year for all of us, and that includes the Rose Villa Foundation. We were forced to cancel our Casablanca Casino night planned for last April, as well as our Rollin’ on the River cruise on the Willamette, complete with live jazz music. Our annual ice cream social in August became virtual. We cancelled a Listen and Explore session with information about the Foundation and in September our Executive Director Linda Reed left Rose Villa. But in spite of all that, 2020 had its successes. Our fall fund drive far exceeded its goal, raising more than $47,000.  We continued to schedule workshops and presentations on a variety of topics, supported scholarships for staff, and stood ready to provide assistance to residents who needed it. Financially we, like most everyone, took a hit last March, but by year’s end were about where we had been projected to be.

This spring we are offering several workshops and are assisting with planning for the Tuesday Market this summer. Confidential individual financial coaching is being offered, with the Foundation covering about two-thirds of the cost. Meanwhile, the Treasure House, although closed to the public, continues to make regular contributions to our funding, as well as providing a wide variety of goods to residents and staff.  Within a few months we will begin the process of hiring a new Executive Director. In the meantime, there are many ways you can help keep the Foundation strong: become a Pacesetter; join the Legacy Society; get a charitable annuity with the Foundation, and, as always, make direct contributions in the box across from Resident Services. The Foundation is here to help ensure that you can continue to live the life you want to live.