Alice Ringquist — Weaving & Quilting

Alice RingquistFiber, in one form or another, has always been a part of Alice’s life — a constant companion through thick and thin. When she was in the sixth grade her great aunt came to live with the family. She taught Alice to knit, which led to 4H knitting and then to a lifetime of always having something on the needles.

When Alice graduated from college her parents gave her a Singer sewing machine, which she still has and uses. Life led to owning a shop where Alice produced weaving and sold her husband Al’s furniture and other crafts. Along the way she dabbled in spinning, natural dyes, and macrame. One of her goals in retirement is to return to the wonderful creative outlet she found in weaving — the loom is in her daughter’s basement waiting for a happy home at Rose Villa.

Alice says quilting has kept her hands and heart busy for about 20 years. Currently she is evolving toward art quilts and enjoys doing charity quilts for the community. The meditative quality of hand work appeals to her and she prefers to hand quilt and hand embellish her work.

Color Study (quilting)
Color Study

Cottage Memories (quilting, painting, hand embroidery)
Cottage Memories

Study in Blue (overshot weaving)
Study in Blue

Nova Scotia Scallops (quilting)
Nova Scotia Scallops

Foxglove in my Garden (quilting, silk ribbon embroidery)
Foxglove in my Garden