Library History

by Mary O’Neil

If you see old pictures of the Library, which was located in the old lobby among other places, there will be a school room with Avon bottle desks.  Frank Bennet, the father, not the son who also lived here and father of Bob Bennet, made the school room, and my Mother, Marvelle Mefford, supplied the desks.  My Father, Wm Russell Mefford, was CEO here from 1962 to 1978.  There is a commemorative plaque on a pedestal in the Tranquility Garden near the North building. Below are some photos of the old library. (Photos provided by Jean Coberly; note this was in the old lobby, prior to the construction of South Main.)

Note: the library is celebrating its 60th anniversary through the end of the month! You can help by donating books, CDs, and DVDs of current interest.