Ducklings Rescued!

reported by Vita Sorgi

Cathy and I (Vita), went for an early morning walk and decided to go check on Rosie and her duckling and when we arrived at the Pond, there was Rosie and only 4 ducklings!
Oh no, walking around the pond, i heard Peeping coming from a deep drainage pipe and sure enough, 6 ducklings had fallen in,OMNG!

First trying not to get wet and by the end of the rescue, swimming in the pond, with the help of Willamette View folks, all the ducklings were rescued from the pipe and reunited with Rosie and their sibs.

As Cathy and i left, drenched in pond water, Rosie was happily swimming with all 10 ducklings in the pond and the drain was covered up so no ducklings can fall in again.