Andrea Drury

Maintained by Steve Morris and Don Lehman
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View/search the most recent 6 months of PBX emails here.

Maintained by Steve Morris and Don Lehman
View the Activity Update Archive here and view the RV Clip archive here
View/search the most recent 6 months of PBX emails here.

Maintained by Steve Morris and Don Lehman
View the Activity Update Archive here and view the RV Clip archive here
View/search the most recent 6 months of PBX emails here.

In this episode, Hank Hadaway is interviewed by Sue McGraw about Hank’s visits to Tonga. Darlene Hooley is interviewed by Roger Swick about Darlene’s long experience in politics. And we’ll hear a song from Wes Brown.

In this episode we hear from Tom Wilcox, Bob Lease, Gene Berry, and Tom Farr about the Rose Villa Woodshop.

In this episode, Gail Katagiri is interviewed by Kay Schmerber about her volunteer work at the Zen Hospice Center in San Francisco.

Gail provided these additional resources you may find helpful:

1. End Game — A documentary film available for streaming on NetFlix (there is no DVD)

Watch …

In this episode, Walt Garvin is interviewed by Jack Duren about Walt’s lumber experience and his volunteer work at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest.  Margaret Hamilton is interviewed by Paul Wathen about Margarets background in education and her work in ongoing education programs at Rose Villa.

Dorothy Zook is interviewed by Suzanne Townsen.  They discuss the Christian roots of Rose Villa, and Dorothy’s calligraphy and tatting.   James Carthel is interviewed by Don Lehman.  They discuss James’ basketweaving work.

Bonus Video:

Here is James Carthel talking about his work in his Creative Arts Building (CAB) space:

July 24, 2020: This is a special episode about the history of the Rose Villa Vikings dragon boat team.

In this episode Loraine Failor is interviewed by Lisa McFarlane. Ruth Ross is interviewed by Marilyn Gottschall.

In this episode, Evey Cole interviews Evelyn Carlson about her life and living with vision loss and Dori Jones interviews Joe Eusterman about the “mad as hell” doctors cross-country tour to advocate for health care for all.

Jerry Corn interviews Hans Blom about Hans’ childhood in occupied The Netherlands during World War II. Leanne Kerner interviews Joanne McClarty about her work helping the homeless and others (and about tap dancing).

Zoe Taylor interviews Mike Munk about his organization of a visit by Paul Robeson to Reed College in the 60s after Robeson had been interviewed by the House Un-American Activities Committee.  And Walt Shaffer interviews Judith Reynolds about her writing and the impact Oregon’s former Poet Laureate had on her.…

Ricky Jamtgaard interviews Frank and Penny Ramos about their experience teaching in a remote Alaskan village north of the arctic circle.  Mayo Marsh interviews Tom Wilcox about his experience as a volunteer first responder in a small town on the Oregon coast. 

Bob Tucker interviews Barbara Hads about roller skating, Rose Villa history and more. Carol Brownlow interviews Jean Lusk about hula, her writing, and more.

Judie Hansen and Sydney Herbert talk about their environmental activism and Wes Brown provides a musical performance.  …

Philip Riedel interviews Sue Griffin about her nursing experiences in Viet Nam and her work as a nurse educator. Rose Villa employee Arthur Moore talks about his career as a harmonica player (and you’ll hear him play!).