Cindy Brown

The Grange

by Elliot McIntire

As you come up the hill from McLaughlin Boulevard on River Road you may have noted a plain building on the right identified as Milwaukie Grange.  Unless you have a rural background somewhere in your personal history you may have wondered what it is. At one time …

The RV Foundation on Touchtown

by Kate Dins

Are you aware of all the resources available under the Foundation icon on Touchtown? If not, check it out! You’ll find links about the Foundation’s financial assistance for residents that include the financial assistance policy and application, as well as the procedure for applying for a mini-medical

News From the RV Foundation

by Elliot McIntire

It’s been a rough year for all of us, and that includes the Rose Villa Foundation. We were forced to cancel our Casablanca Casino night planned for last April, as well as our Rollin’ on the River cruise on the Willamette, complete with live jazz music. Our …

These Twelve Months!

A Poem by Cathy Schwabe

In that first morning of the snowstorm

when all were still tucked tight in bed,

the power went out across Rose Villa

for each of us to learn with some dread.

As we woke, each and every one of us,

be it at dawn, or …

Two Friends in a Storm

Reported by Dianna Shaffer

Barbara Hads’ story:

It all started with Vassar Byrd stopping by my house along with the other units down this way (332 – 337) to advise us that only the six of us and the Oaks had electric power and heat.  The rest of Rose Villa …