
Hospital at Home: Our Experience

by Ruth Ross; reported  by Jean Coberly



On Saturday the 4th of September, Bob was taken with a violent shivering and a very elevated blood pressure.  I called 911 and the medics took him by ambulance to Kaiser Sunnyside ER. (Coincidentally, Kaiser is our health service.)

We …

Restaurant Review: Chan's Steakery

by Dianna Shaffer

Chan’s Steakery is located at 10477 SE Main Street in Milwaukie. Dianna says:

We recently went to CHAN’S STEAKERY on Main Street in Milwaukie. Chinese and American food choices. The Chinese dishes were delicious and the serving was probably 3 meals worth!!!! The restaurant was clean and

Art classes!

by Dianna Shaffer

Hello, Rose Villa friends! Here is a proposal I’ve been working on: I’d like to offer some fun art classes for this Fall. I’m calling his SATURDAY COLLEGE at Rose Villa; it will meet on Saturday mornings from 9 am to noon. These art experiences will be …

July 16, 2021: Cathy Schwabe and Rick Simpson host this episode, with interviews of the artists being featured in the current live exhibition in South Main.  Jo Noble is interviewed by Alice Ringquist, Evey Cole is interviewed by Sue Griffin, and Roger Swick is interviewed by Ed McFarlane.

Weather cooperated and on Friday, May 14 the first Alice Lane Porchfest was held featuring live music by the MelodicasPlus. Here are 2 minutes of mini-clips of the performance. Weather allowing, the next Porchfest will be Friday, May 21.

April 16, 2021: Cathy Schwabe and Lynn Thomas host this episode, with interviews of the artists being featured in the current live exhibition in South Main.  Judy Perry is interviewed by Norma Martin, Janet Strickland is interviewed by Nancy Bley,  and Lisa McFarlane is interviewed by Cathy Schwabe.

In this look back to earlier episodes, Kathy Phelan is interviewed by Bill Cunitz about comedy, and Hans Blom is interviewed by Jerry Corn about Han’s childhood in The Netherlands.  Marilyn and Steve talk about new directions for Rose Villa Today.

Ping Pong for Parkinson’s is Back!

We have the OK for up to 10 people in the South side of the PAC for Ping Pong for Parkinson’s! Starting April 5, we’ll have slots open from 2pm to 3:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Contact Karen Morris, x1212 (kpm4551@gmail.com) to reserve a time!…

by Kikue Rich

Complete isolation! Icy outside. I knew that because I went out in the late afternoon the day before to put some scraps in the red food bucket, and found it had iced over from the drizzle. “How come?” I thought, when the sidewalk had been free of …

by Barbara Hads

Congratulations to Elaine Bloomquist, who turned 100 on February 6, 2021. She is one of the old-timers living here at Rose Villa. She and her husband moved in in 1995; he has since passed away. She remains in her Classic Cottage. She’s a very friendly lady with …

If you live near Alice Lane you already know; if not, it’s worth a trip over there at a sunny moment to view the huge magnolia tree in all its glory. This photo doesn’t really do it justice.

April 2, 2021 – the “day after April Fools Day” episode! Residents tell stories and jokes to make you giggle or groan!