reported by Dianna Shaffer

A remembrance ceremony will be held on May 16 in honor of residents who have died in the last few months. There will be a Zoom event at 3 pm on that day. Here’s a list of the residents:

William Phelan  (died November 5, 2020)

Joyce …

Scams are extremely prevalent and very sophisticated. It’s important to know the steps to take to protect yourself. One thing you can do is to sign up for the remaining workshop in the AARP series. Here is the link; you will need to register in advance, but it’s free. Copy …

Library History

by Mary O’Neil

If you see old pictures of the Library, which was located in the old lobby among other places, there will be a school room with Avon bottle desks.  Frank Bennet, the father, not the son who also lived here and father of Bob Bennet, made the school …

reported by Dianna Shaffer (Ms. Foodie prefers to remain anonymous)




Thank you for so many great questions.  RV residents are truly diverse in their food preferences, dietary needs, and approaches; and this creates a challenge for Food & Beverage (F&B) staff.  Similarly, residents feel challenged to …

Willamette River Walk with Two Short Side Excursions


by Cathy Schar and Arlin Brown

Trip length 3.8  miles    

At River Road head north; turn left on SE Sparrow St. and right on SE 19th ; follow it into Kellogg Creek Park along the Willamette, keeping on the path until you come to the Milwaukie Bay Park

Off With the Old; On With the New!

reported by Dianna Shaffer



by Carol Brownlow

What’s all that racket? Could it possibly be? Yes, I think it is!!! The long-awaited re-siding of Rose Court. Joy, oh joy, let it be so.
When I moved to Rose Court in 2017, I was told that the budget included
The Oak Trees of Oak Grove

by Cathy Schar

(This is based on an article by Margaret Roach.) Douglas W. Tallamy, an entomologist and longtime professor at the University of Delaware, likes caterpillars.  Caterpillars fuel the food web, as his research demonstrates.   “There is much going on in your yard that would not be going on …

Instead of appearing (potentially) every day, Feature Articles will appear on Mondays when we update the website. This will simplify our job of keeping the site up to date. Look for some interesting articles coming on Monday!…

by Kikue Rich

Complete isolation! Icy outside. I knew that because I went out in the late afternoon the day before to put some scraps in the red food bucket, and found it had iced over from the drizzle. “How come?” I thought, when the sidewalk had been free of …

by Barbara Hads

Congratulations to Elaine Bloomquist, who turned 100 on February 6, 2021. She is one of the old-timers living here at Rose Villa. She and her husband moved in in 1995; he has since passed away. She remains in her Classic Cottage. She’s a very friendly lady with …

Community Activism at Rose Villa: BLM in 2020

by Michael Munk

As a political activist since college, I look back on our Black Lives Matter actions on River Road last year as a high point, along with our responses to the pandemic and climate fires. I was first contacted by neighbors at Willamette View who were already organizing …

by Larry Sager and Sue Griffin

On April 2 at 4pm the Green Team will host a discussion of the Bill Gates book How to avoid a Climate Disaster.  Here are some ideas for preparing for that discussion:

1.. Watch a Youtube interview of Bill Gates discussing his book

The Grange

by Elliot McIntire

As you come up the hill from McLaughlin Boulevard on River Road you may have noted a plain building on the right identified as Milwaukie Grange.  Unless you have a rural background somewhere in your personal history you may have wondered what it is. At one time …

The RV Foundation on Touchtown

by Kate Dins

Are you aware of all the resources available under the Foundation icon on Touchtown? If not, check it out! You’ll find links about the Foundation’s financial assistance for residents that include the financial assistance policy and application, as well as the procedure for applying for a mini-medical

News From the RV Foundation

by Elliot McIntire

It’s been a rough year for all of us, and that includes the Rose Villa Foundation. We were forced to cancel our Casablanca Casino night planned for last April, as well as our Rollin’ on the River cruise on the Willamette, complete with live jazz music. Our …

These Twelve Months!

A Poem by Cathy Schwabe

In that first morning of the snowstorm

when all were still tucked tight in bed,

the power went out across Rose Villa

for each of us to learn with some dread.

As we woke, each and every one of us,

be it at dawn, or …

Two Friends in a Storm

Reported by Dianna Shaffer

Barbara Hads’ story:

It all started with Vassar Byrd stopping by my house along with the other units down this way (332 – 337) to advise us that only the six of us and the Oaks had electric power and heat.  The rest of Rose Villa …