Ask Ms. Foodie: Gluten-Free

reported by Dianna Shaffer

QUESTION 11: Gluten Free I have tummy issues and started following a gluten free (GF) diet. RV has GF dishes but sometimes I would like dessert. Do they have GF desserts?

 Ms Foodie: To help others understand this often puzzling declaration that a friend or relative is on a gluten-free diet, let’s get some background. Gluten sensitivity or intolerance is associated with a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye – common ingredients in everyday foods from cereal, bread, and pasta to beer. Whether a mild sensitivity or a severe intolerance as in celiac disease (considered an auto immune disease affecting the small intestine), it can cause digestive discomfort, stomach pain and other health and well being issues. It can start at any age.

 RV has many residents who want Gluten Free food choices. RV staff takes care to identify such foods on menus as gluten free (GF) and gluten free options (GFO) indicating the dish ingredients can be adjusted to omit gluten.

 For dessert offerings, RV tries to offer gluten-free treats on Thursdays. Check with your server for kinds and availability.

 If any resident is concerned about new stomach or digestive problems, gluten may or may not be the issue. We caution that self-diagnosis and going “gluten free” eliminates many healthy foods from a diet. Perhaps keeping a journal listing foods and any physical symptoms for a few weeks would be helpful and may aid your health care provider in making a diagnosis.