Community Activism at Rose Villa: BLM in 2020

by Michael Munk

As a political activist since college, I look back on our Black Lives Matter actions on River Road last year as a high point, along with our responses to the pandemic and climate fires. I was first contacted by neighbors at Willamette View who were already organizing their residents, and helped alert RVillians to join them. My own mobility problems limited me to just cheering you on from my balcony– and ranting on RV Chat.

At the outset, inspired by the George Floyd police murder uprisings across the nation and fine weather, about 100 of us (masked) came out to support the BLM movement and drew predominantly positive honks and waves from passing rush-hour drivers, Even some Oak Grove neighbors joined us, and local TV featured RV on a day when WV took time off. A Black motorist stopped in the parking lot and came out to thank us, and John Eaglin boosted our efforts in a post on NextDoor. Although management was formally silent, they did print signs and distribute bottled water on the hottest days and, of course, their surreys enabled some residents to participate.
As the days grew short and a backlash against BLM developed from the far right, our turnouts dwindled and finally, new leader Vita discontinued the actions when it got dark and cold by 4:30. But we should be proud of our weekly BLM  support. They were a righteous expression of old folks’ political commitment to equal justice and police reform. They were also our community’s challenge to the isolation imposed by the pandemic shutdowns.
True reform of racist Oregon police (note the recent Hardesty, West Linn and L.O. scandals) remains a bridge too far. The struggle continues; a significant proportion of RV residents are still in it.