First RV Neighborhood Walking Tour: “Groovy Grove”

By Caroline Lehman

The phrase “Groovy Grove” first appeared while Don and I were sitting in Sandra Burdeshaw’s office.  We had recently chosen our apartment in the Garden Grove pocket neighborhood, and were very excited about the setting, the neighbors who would live next door, and the Rose Villa community.  The three of us chatted about the unique vibe of Garden Grove as it sat nestled under the tall firs and cuddled up next to the community garden.  We knew that a group of fabulous people would soon be held within its rather rustic structure, and we could even begin to visualize ourselves surrounded by vibrant and colorful gardens that were festooned with prayer flags, buddhas, and signs of diversity and peace.  My imagination went wild—it began to evoke memories of hippie communes, the kind that I never actually lived in but was always intrigued by.  And then, somehow, “Groovy Grove” just popped out of my mouth!  I must have felt very inspired by its energy, knowing that it would become the very cool place that we would call home.

I find it quite amazing that I’m living in a “commune” at last!  Better late than never!  And it’s even cooler than I imagine