Memorial Day: Taps at 3 pm

reported by Cindy Brown

In 2020, C the CBS network started a tradition called “Taps Across America.” It was continued this year. Here’s a description:

“This Memorial Day, CBS News “On the Road” correspondent Steve Hartman and retired Air Force bugler Jari Villanueva of Taps for Veterans are again inviting musicians of all abilities and ages to sound Taps on their front lawns, porches, and driveways at 3 p.m. local time on Monday, May 31, for Taps Across America – a national holiday event Hartman launched last year on the CBS Evening News with Norah O’Donnell.”

Arlin and I were returning from the garden at 3pm that day and as we emerged from the garden gate, the strains of Taps floated through the air. We didn’t know to expect it and it was a magical experience. I don’t know who played it, but thank you! I hope this becomes an annual tradition.

Our neighborhood usually has lots of American flags flying but there were even more than usual that day, and the house at the end of Laurie was decorated with bunting as well. Here are a couple of photos.