Mother’s Day Poem

Mama was bold, she walked tall
she was brave
Mama was shy and quite – a reader and a thinker
I feel so happy when I think of her
we walked to school when I was small
and then I rode the bus
its hot in Atlanta and back then
it was a whole different time
a whole different world
we grew veggies in the garden and
flowers too
So many flowers
Nasturtium, rose, honeysuckle
Dad was all vegetables and mama
grew the flowers
she was fine with that and we
were never hungry
She taught me to be quite, to listen
to make a cake
and eat it
to never tell a lie
we made jam and jelly
a whole big pie,
you know, just regular stuff
I liked the pie the  best
I miss her
but I am glad we had each other
I am glad I can remember.


Submitted by Marianna Iverson on behalf of Madrona Grove residents Nancy Rempe, Liz Rishal, M A Malone, and Edna Zenger, who wrote it together.