Tuesday Market for 2021

By Carolyn Bailey, Marie Jennings-Holt, and Cathy Schar
The 11-week 2021 Tuesday Market met the requirements of a COVID-safe environment to provide music, organic fresh produce, herbs, flowers, baked goods, hand-made greeting cards and knife-sharpening to residents and staff for the price of a donation to the RV Foundation. It also provided volunteer opportunities for residents, and donations to our non-resident neighbors via Good Roots Food Bank which ensured that our bountiful harvest didn’t go to waste or go unappreciated.  The Market’s $2,545 donation benefited your Foundation to meet its goal of fulfilling the promise of lifetime financial stability, education and enrichment for residents and staff.  Thank you everyone for your donations of time and money!
Below are some photos by Rick Simpson of the final market day, September 13.