What is Village Voices?

by Paul Wathen

Village Voices provides a way for Rose Villa residents to share their interests and expertise with one another through video “episodes” appearing on the resident website, Rvillagers.org. In each episode a resident speaks for about twenty-five minutes, usually with supporting graphics and audio, and since April 2020 a total of fourteen have appeared. The subject matter has ranged widely and has included Feng Shui, bird watching fundamentals, the power of forgiveness and an overview of the work of Sigmund Freud. Some have been quite academic, dealing with things like the nature of learning, modeling community information flows, or an introduction to the enneagram. Others were more personal: a reminiscence about a childhood visit to the White House; a road trip following the Nez Perce trail; living with a household of women in Morocco. One episode—Mike Munk’s talk on Portland’s Radical History—was picked up and rebroadcast by several public television stations in the region. All of the Village Voices talks are archived on the Rvillagers.org website and can be revisited at any time.

Editor’s Note: Paul Wathen  is the creator of Village Voices, a feature on this website. We look forward to its return with new episodes!