Rose Villa Foundation Trivia Contest

by Kate Dins
reported by Dianna Shaffer
Over 30 residents attended the Pacesetters Trivia Contest on Friday, September 3rd in the PAC.  Four teams competed by answering three rounds of trivia questions posed by Trivia Wizards Ruth Ross, Cathy Schar, and Byron Windhorst. Teams were both cheered and jeered by a lively group of resident spectators.
When the dust settled and all the questions were answered, the Prophets of Post-Zoom came in first, followed by Alice’s Savants, Two Roses and Two Thorns, and the Fearsome Foursome. Prizes were awarded to the top three teams.
Pacesetters are residents who support the Foundation with regularly monthly donations. If you’d like to join the fun and support the Foundation, sign up forms are available across from the Resident Services Desk.