Carl Petterson

Tuesday Afternoon Authors

Tuesday Afternoon Authors

The Tuesday Afternoon Authors is a group of eight Rose Villa residents who write very short stories for fun, and in some cases, documenting their own experience. The stories are shared by their authors at each meeting, held at 1:30 pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. …

Candles for the New World

by Carl Petterson

[Editor’s Note: This essay won a writing contest sponsored by Leading Age.]

Even before the 1840s, as pioneers began settling the Oregon Territory, there were stories of a Spanish shipwreck on the rugged coast. The stories may have originated in 1813 with the fur traders at Fort …

In this special Valentines Day episode, Marilyn Gottschall interviews three long-term couples: Carl and Susie Petterson, Bill and Jeanne Cozine, and Carol Bosworth and Pat Matthews.

Carl Petterson

Carl PettersonCarl in the racing shell The photograph at the right was taken on Saturday morning, June 14, 2014, when Carl was one of eight rowers on an eight-place, 60 foot-long racing shell — a mixed team of men and women, and one 14-year old boy. The team was participating in the Rat Island Regatta in …