Cathy Schwabe

July 16, 2021: Cathy Schwabe and Rick Simpson host this episode, with interviews of the artists being featured in the current live exhibition in South Main.  Jo Noble is interviewed by Alice Ringquist, Evey Cole is interviewed by Sue Griffin, and Roger Swick is interviewed by Ed McFarlane.

More on the Ducklings

First, here’s a photo of Rosie and her ducklings parading along Main Street. In addition, we have some extra photos of the great rescue mission, with Cathy Schwabe and Vita Sorgi getting ducklings out of a drainpipe at the pond at Willamette View. These were taken by a Willamette View …

Easter Bread

Cathy SchwabeA love of baked goods and parking karma were two things that Cathy’s cousins and their mothers always agreed had been passed down on their maternal line. Daily baking figured large in their grandmother’s growing up and she continued this tradition with her own family. By the time Cathy and …

April 16, 2021: Cathy Schwabe and Lynn Thomas host this episode, with interviews of the artists being featured in the current live exhibition in South Main.  Judy Perry is interviewed by Norma Martin, Janet Strickland is interviewed by Nancy Bley,  and Lisa McFarlane is interviewed by Cathy Schwabe.

This Jan. 29, 2020 episode features the artists who participated in the latest Rose Villa resident art show. Cathy Schwabe joins us as co-host and describes the process of putting together each show. Betty Hosokawa provides an introduction to the art show. Participating artists Caroline Lehman, Ruth Ross, and Alice …

The Nov. 13, 2020 episode features interviews of the 3 artists who have some of their work on display in South Main. Betty Hosokawa provides and introduction, and then Susan Bissell is interviewed by Susie Petterson, Karen Popma is interviewed by Caroline Lehman, and Cathy Schwabe is interviewed by Anne …


Cathy Schwabe (The Oaks)

Cathy Schwabe

With her retirement and move to Rose Villa, Cathy has had time to pursue her dream of writing stories for children. The character of Raton first came into her life as an unnamed adult being in a graphic story called “It’s a Rat’s Life.” Raton and …

The fiber circle in the Art Studio

The Fiber Circle gathers weekly for conversation, friendship and fiber-related camaraderie: knitting, crocheting, needlework and other handcrafts. They work individually, though at times with a common theme or towards a common goal. Contact Cathy Schwabe to get connected.

Fiber Circle in the Art Studio, Winter 2019-2020
The Fiber Circle

Vivian Scheans, Mary Cooper, …