Elliot McIntire

Tuesday Afternoon Authors

Tuesday Afternoon Authors

The Tuesday Afternoon Authors is a group of eight Rose Villa residents who write very short stories for fun, and in some cases, documenting their own experience. The stories are shared by their authors at each meeting, held at 1:30 pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. …

The Grange

by Elliot McIntire

As you come up the hill from McLaughlin Boulevard on River Road you may have noted a plain building on the right identified as Milwaukie Grange.  Unless you have a rural background somewhere in your personal history you may have wondered what it is. At one time …

Day Trip: Canemah Bluffs Park

reported by Elliot McIntire

Canamah Park is one of the least known local parks, and is located atop the bluff just upstream from downtown Oregon City. (It can be easily reached by turning up the hill at 10th Street, and, at the top of the hill, make a right turn …

by Elliot McIntire

[This story was submitted to a writing contest run by Leading Age.]

We never did actually run out of gas, but it was a near thing a time or two. It all started almost immediately after I moved to Eugene. I saw a poster looking for volunteers …

In this episode, Jean Coberly will provide a tour of the Rose Villa Archives. Then, Jean Coberly and Elliot McIntire are interviewed by Mary Claire Phelan to give you more of ideas about what is in the archive and how it might be used. For this episode, Peter Eddy joins …


Elliot McIntire (Central)

Elliot McIntireWhat got him started: Judie Hansen introduced Elliot to birding after he retired, when they both lived in Eugene.

Favorite birding spots: Elliot particularly enjoys looking for water fowl — sparrows and wrens not so much. Fern Ridge Reservoir and Delta Ponds, both in Eugene, are his …