Karen Hudson-Brown

Alice Lane Ready to Plant Their Undies

The Green Team and Bringing Nature Home sponsored the “Soil Your Undies” challenge to help celebrate Earth Day, 2021. On or about April 22, residents buried pristine, white cotton undies in their home gardens or in their plot in the Community Garden. On June 26, participants dug up the undies …

April 2, 2021 – the “day after April Fools Day” episode! Residents tell stories and jokes to make you giggle or groan!

Today’s episode features Wes Brown interviewing Karen Hudson-Brown and Rick Simpson about their collaboration to create a meditation audio/visual performance with several piano pieces played by Karen combined with photographs curated by (and most of them taken by) Rick. And we’ll play the entire 13 minute performance.

Bill Scheible and Ed McFarlane talk about birding at Rose Villa. Karen Hudson-Brown introduces us to her piano and plays some Debussy.