Marilyn Gottschall

Harvest Grill Flower Group

The Harvest Grill Flower Group was started in October of 2022 by Corinna Campbell. Their first meeting was a casual flower arranging class and the group agreed that the Harvest Grill needed something better than plastic flowers on the tables.
Flowers for the Harvest Grill Tables

Every week two members of the group cut plant material …

Alice Lane Ready to Plant Their Undies

The Green Team and Bringing Nature Home sponsored the “Soil Your Undies” challenge to help celebrate Earth Day, 2021. On or about April 22, residents buried pristine, white cotton undies in their home gardens or in their plot in the Community Garden. On June 26, participants dug up the undies …

by Marilyn Gottshall

The first thing you come upon when you visit the 80 acre Oregon Gardens is the
Amazing Water Garden where both American and Curly Leaf Pondweed laze about on
still waters. Little fishes dart, barely rippling the surface, and bullfrogs croak to a regular
beat. Hardly a …

In this special Valentines Day episode, Marilyn Gottschall interviews three long-term couples: Carl and Susie Petterson, Bill and Jeanne Cozine, and Carol Bosworth and Pat Matthews.

Episode 27 is a special episode featuring the Rose Villa Resident Council – what it is, what it does, and some of the important issues the Council has helped resolve in the past.

Marilyn Gottschall -- Collage

Marilyn Gottschall (South Central)

Marilyn Gottschall

Marilyn began making collage cards when an old friend began a three year battle with terminal cancer. She could not visit her regularly but felt the need to be with her as fully as possible. Marilyn found that making collages allowed her to love her friend …

Marilyn Gottschall and Steve Morris

Marilyn Gottschall and Steve MorrisApril 23, 2021: With Spring in the air Steve and Marilyn have decided to interrupt the weekly program schedule of RV Today. If you have ideas about programming, if you’d like to profile a person, idea or project, please let us know. We would love to help you get …