Ruth Ross

On March 19, 2023, in celebration of Women’s Herstory Month, eight Rose Villa women told their personal stories of perseverance and resilience. Their journeys carried them past barriers meant to hold them back and allowed them to fulfill their dreams of a life outside the traditional roles for women.

Hospital at Home: Our Experience

by Ruth Ross; reported  by Jean Coberly



On Saturday the 4th of September, Bob was taken with a violent shivering and a very elevated blood pressure.  I called 911 and the medics took him by ambulance to Kaiser Sunnyside ER. (Coincidentally, Kaiser is our health service.)

We …

April 2, 2021 – the “day after April Fools Day” episode! Residents tell stories and jokes to make you giggle or groan!

This Jan. 29, 2020 episode features the artists who participated in the latest Rose Villa resident art show. Cathy Schwabe joins us as co-host and describes the process of putting together each show. Betty Hosokawa provides an introduction to the art show. Participating artists Caroline Lehman, Ruth Ross, and Alice …

Ruth Ross (Central)

Ruth Ross

Ruth graduated Parsons School of Design in New York City with a degree in graphic design. She worked as an art director for Random House until 2000, when she moved to Portland and began designing and making one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry. She has returned in recent years …