Around Rose Villa: Getting Your Food Questions Answered

by Judy Wathen

I had a food related concern and emailed  Norine Mulry (Director of Food and Beverage) with the following question.  I thought her answer was very helpful and thought others might find it helpful as well.

Question:   What is the most constructive way to communicate concerns without being burdensome while we are still dealing with covid limitations?

Norine’s response:

Hi Judy,

You are always welcome to send any concerns directly to me. Particularly, if you are noticing a trend (“the soups always seem to be too salty”, as an example.) That way I can address the feedback with the Food & Beverage leadership team, and we’ll brainstorm ways to solve the problem.

If the concern can be dealt with more immediately – you had the wrong meal delivered at dinner or an ingredient was left off – or you just didn’t care for the dish – I would suggest calling extension 4000. It’s really important to the full team that you enjoy your meal, and we are always happy to send a replacement dish, send along the missing ingredient, etc. Whatever is needed to solve the issue, our team will want to do for you. Even if you pick up your food at 6pm and realize something is off by 6:15 – give us a call. We’ll remake the meal or send you something different and waive the delivery fee, so you don’t have to make the trek up to Harvest Grill twice.

Finally, the comment cards (both virtual on Touchtown, in the Food & Beverage folder, and paper copies in Harvest Grill) – also offer a way to share feedback. Any of these options will work to get feedback to the team, but I always advise residents to start by calling extension 4000. If we can fix the issue in the moment, and make sure you have a better dining experience as a result, that is always the preference. Short of that, please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail or leave me a voicemail if you’re noticing the same thing happening regularly.

I hope this helps, Judy!