Activity Update 2023-09-08

Maintained by Steve Morris and Don Lehman
View the Activity Update Archive here


Fri, Sep 8

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Vaccine Clinic, PAC, Flyer
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit Training
  • 11:00am Dog Park Brainstorming Meeting, Rec Room, Flyer
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Beginners Ukulele Practice, Club Room
  • 04:00pm Green Team, Zoom,


Sat, Sep 9

Birthday: Margi Brown, Apt 3020, Cubby B3

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Tai Chi/Qigong, PAC, Flyer
  • 10:00am Ai Chi, Pool, Flyer
  • 11:00am Bean Bag Baseball
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 01:00pm Beginner Ping Pong, Rec Room
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 07:00pm Game Night


Sun, Sep 10

  • 09:30am Monthly Shamanic Drumming Circle, PAC North, Flyer
  • 03:00pm Employee Family Swim
  • 05:00pm Sunday Supper, Flyer,
  • 06:30pm Vespers, Zoom,
  • 06:30pm Yo-Yo-Ma with the Oregon Symphony, Flyer


Mon, Sep 11

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit training (weight room)
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 11:00am Rose Villa 3rd Act, Board room
  • 11:10am Zumba Gold, Fitness Studio
  • 01:00pm Fred Meyer bus
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Taking Better Photographs, Flyer
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong for Brain and Balance
  • 02:30pm Farewell to John Wallent, Harvest Grill, Flyer
  • 04:00pm Interfaith Prayer Group-Vista Lounge
  • 04:30pm Ice Cream Truck on South Main, Flyer
  • 06:30pm Monday Night Movies in the PAC, PAC, Flyer


Tue, Sep 12

Birthday: Ann Watt, Apt. 337, Cubby A10
Birthday: Carolyn Shacter, Apt. 6105, Cubby H20

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 10:00am Ai Chi, Pool
  • 10:00am Tuesday Market, Schroeder Lofts Rec Rm & Walkway, Flyer
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 11:00am Tai Chi/Qigong, PAC
  • 01:00pm Cyber Security Best Practices, PAC, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 02:00pm Exercise: Zoom & Fitness Studio
  • 03:00pm Photography Club, PAC North
  • 03:30pm Wisdom Circle-Tranquility Room
  • 04:00pm Gentle Yoga with Alesha, Zoom
  • 07:30pm Fiddler — A Miracle of Miracles, Rec Room, Flyer


Wed, Sep 13

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am New Seasons grocery trip (reservations required)
  • 09:00am Trader Joe’s shopping bus (reserve a spot)
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit Training-Weight Room
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 11:00am Line Dancing (Schroeder Lofts Rec Room), Flyer
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 11:30am Lazy River Assistance, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:00pm Fiber Circle (Art Studio)
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong for Brain and Balance, South PAC
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong, Rec Room
  • 02:00pm Chair Exercise, Fitness Studio
  • 02:00pm Resident Safety Committee Meetings, Zoom, Flyer
  • 02:00pm Bridge
  • 04:00pm Weekly Happy Hour, South Main Lobby, Flyer


Thu, Sep 14

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Fred Meyer bus
  • 09:00am Brain Power Class, PAC South, Flyer
  • 09:00am Coffee with Friends – Schroeder Lofts Rec Room
  • 09:30am Sewing and Mending, Sewing & Quilting Studio
  • 10:00am Exercise Class – Zoom & Fitness Studio
  • 10:30am Living with Early Alzheimer’s Disease, PAC, Flyer
  • 11:00am Zumba Gold, Fitness Studio
  • 11:00am Roman Catholic Communion, Vista Lounge
  • 11:15am Bible Study-on summer hiatus
  • 01:00pm Resident Billing, Training Room, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Mah Jongg (Vista Lounge)
  • 01:00pm Zen Meditation with Shin yu, Tranquility Room
  • 01:00pm Laughter Group with Laura Lou, Zoom and Fitness Studio, Zoom, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 02:00pm Exercise: Chair Aerobics-Zoom & Fitness Studio, Zoom
  • 02:00pm Readers Theatre-on summer break, PAC North, Flyer
  • 04:00pm Gentle Yoga with Katrina-Fitness Studio & Zoom, Zoom


Helpful Information

Air quality this morning at RV was 19 which is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk with 24 hours of exposure

Trumpet Sep. 3-9, Flyer
Harvest Grill Specials Sep 3-9, Flyer
Wellness Calendar updated 2023-08-17, Flyer
September Sunday Suppers, Flyer

Pride Movie Re-Run – by Request

Based on a true story. In 1984, a group of gays and lesbians in London organized and collected funds to support striking Welsh miners. This is the remarkable story of their success, of friendships forged, and lives changed. Friday, Sep. 15, 6:30pm in the PAC. Please RSVP to Karen Smith by Friday, Sep. 8 at PRPLHD@MSN.COM or 503-708-7627. Flyer.


Resident Council 2023-09-05 Recording


Upcoming Events

TODAY – Dog Park Brainstorming, Flyer
Sep 11 – Taking Better Photographs
Sep 12 – Fiddler — A Miracle of Miracles, Flyer
Sep 15 – Movie-Pride, Flyer


TODAY Deadline: Sign up for Sunday Supper,
Flyer, Flyer
Sep 15 Deadline: Sign up for Sunday Supper,
Flyer, Flyer
Sep 18 Deadline: RV Choir signup, Flyer
Sep 20 Deadline: Rose Villa Views article submission
Sep 22 Deadline: Sign up for Sunday Supper,
Flyer, Flyer


Recent PBX Notices

Sep. 7
Farewell John Wallent
Sneak Peek Apt. 311
Lance Roade’s Presents Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Meet the Staff – Kofi Dah
Avencia Presentation
Readers Theater
SSL Certification Issues (Wi-Fi Issues)
Join the Boo Crew! Rose Villa’s Halloween Planning Committee

Sep. 6
Farewell to John Wallent Sep. 11
Pride Re-Screening

Sep. 5
Drumming Class no class on Sep. 6
Taking Better Photographs
Resident Forum Reminder
Swift Watch
DaVinci Certificate Update
Non Resident Use of Shared Amenities


Sep. 4
Special Request from the Rose Villa Foundation

Sep. 1
Dog Park Brainstorming Meeting
Fiddler – A Miracle of Miracles Screening
PRIDE Re-Screening
BOO Crew 2 (Rose Villa’s Halloween Party
Rose Villa Views Sep. 2023 edition

Aug. 31
North District Meeting announcement
El Grito Bus Trip Sep. 16