Activity Update 2023-09-09

Maintained by Steve Morris and Don Lehman
View the Activity Update Archive here


Sat, Sep 9

Birthday: Margi Brown, Apt 3020, Cubby B3

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Tai Chi/Qigong, PAC, Flyer
  • 10:00am Ai Chi, Pool, Flyer
  • 11:00am Bean Bag Baseball
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 01:00pm Beginner Ping Pong, Rec Room
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 07:00pm Game Night


Sun, Sep 10

  • 09:30am Monthly Shamanic Drumming Circle, PAC North, Flyer
  • 03:00pm Employee Family Swim
  • 05:00pm Sunday Supper, Flyer,
  • 06:30pm Vespers, Zoom,
  • 06:30pm Yo-Yo-Ma with the Oregon Symphony, Flyer


Mon, Sep 11

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit training (weight room)
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 11:00am Rose Villa 3rd Act, Board room
  • 11:10am Zumba Gold, Fitness Studio
  • 01:00pm Fred Meyer bus
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Taking Better Photographs, Flyer
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong for Brain and Balance,
    Rec Room
  • 02:30pm Farewell to John Wallent, Harvest Grill, Flyer
  • 04:00pm Interfaith Prayer Group-Vista Lounge
  • 04:30pm Ice Cream Truck on South Main, Flyer
  • 06:30pm Monday Night Movies, PAC, Flyer


Tue, Sep 12

Birthday: Ann Watt, Apt. 337, Cubby A10
Birthday: Carolyn Shacter, Apt. 6105, Cubby H20

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 10:00am Ai Chi, Pool
  • 10:00am Tuesday Market, Schroeder Lofts Rec Rm & Walkway, Flyer
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 11:00am Tai Chi/Qigong, PAC
  • 01:00pm Cyber Security Best Practices, PAC, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 02:00pm Exercise: Zoom & Fitness Studio
  • 03:00pm Photography Club, PAC North
  • 03:30pm Wisdom Circle-Tranquility Room
  • 04:00pm Gentle Yoga with Alesha, Zoom
  • 07:30pm Fiddler — A Miracle of Miracles, Rec Room, Flyer


Wed, Sep 13

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am New Seasons grocery trip (reservations required)
  • 09:00am Trader Joe’s shopping bus (reserve a spot)
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit Training-Weight Room
  • 11:00am Movin’ and Groovin’, Fernwood dining area
  • 11:00am Line Dancing (Schroeder Lofts Rec Room), Flyer
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 11:30am Lazy River Assistance, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:00pm Fiber Circle (Art Studio)
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong for Brain and Balance, South PAC
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong, Rec Room
  • 02:00pm Chair Exercise, Fitness Studio
  • 02:00pm Resident Safety Committee Meetings, Zoom, Flyer
  • 02:00pm Bridge
  • 04:00pm Weekly Happy Hour, South Main Lobby, Flyer


Thu, Sep 14

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Fred Meyer bus
  • 09:00am Brain Power Class, PAC South, Flyer
  • 09:00am Coffee with Friends – Schroeder Lofts Rec Room
  • 09:30am Sewing and Mending, Sewing & Quilting Studio
  • 10:00am Exercise Class – Zoom & Fitness Studio
  • 10:30am Living with Early Alzheimer’s Disease, PAC, Flyer
  • 11:00am Zumba Gold, Fitness Studio
  • 11:00am Roman Catholic Communion, Vista Lounge
  • 11:15am Bible Study-on summer hiatus
  • 01:00pm Resident Billing, Training Room, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Mah Jongg (Vista Lounge)
  • 01:00pm Zen Meditation with Shin yu, Tranquility Room
  • 01:00pm Laughter Group with Laura Lou, Zoom and Fitness Studio, Zoom, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 02:00pm Exercise: Chair Aerobics-Zoom & Fitness Studio, Zoom
  • 02:00pm Readers Theatre-on summer break, PAC North, Flyer
  • 04:00pm Gentle Yoga with Katrina-Fitness Studio & Zoom, Zoom


Fri, Sep 15

Birthday: Penny Naumoff, Apt. 8311, Cubby G26
Birthday: Pat Rehberg, Apt. 8200, Cubby A24

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit Training
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:00pm Meditation with Singing Bowls, Tranquility Room, Zoom
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Beginners Ukulele Practice, Club Room
  • 06:30pm Movie: Pride, Flyer


Helpful Information

Air quality this morning at RV was 36 which is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk with 24 hours of exposure

Trumpet Sep. 3-9, Flyer
Harvest Grill Specials Sep 3-9, Flyer
Wellness Calendar updated 2023-08-17, Flyer
September Sunday Suppers, Flyer

Upcoming Events

Sep 11 – Taking Better Photographs
Sep 12 – Fiddler — A Miracle of Miracles, Flyer
Sep 15 – Movie-Pride, Flyer


Sep 15 Deadline: Sign up for Sunday Supper,
Flyer, Flyer
Sep 18 Deadline: RV Choir signup, Flyer
Sep 20 Deadline: Rose Villa Views article submission
Sep 22 Deadline: Sign up for Sunday Supper,
Flyer, Flyer


Recent PBX Notices

Sep. 8
Living With Early Alzheimer’s – Updated
Poetry Reading Sep. 14
Ukulele Players
50s Film Series
2023 Pop-Up Shops Guidelines & Application
Ping Pong For Brain & Balance – Rec Room on Sep. 11

Sep. 7
Farewell John Wallent
Sneak Peek Apt. 311
Lance Roade’s Presents Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Meet the Staff – Kofi Dah
Avencia Presentation
Readers Theater
SSL Certification Issues (Wi-Fi Issues)
Join the Boo Crew! Rose Villa’s Halloween Planning Committee

Sep. 6
Farewell to John Wallent Sep. 11
Pride Re-Screening

Sep. 5
Drumming Class no class on Sep. 6
Taking Better Photographs
Resident Forum Reminder
Swift Watch
DaVinci Certificate Update
Non Resident Use of Shared Amenities


Sep. 4
Special Request from the Rose Villa Foundation

Sep. 1
Dog Park Brainstorming Meeting
Fiddler – A Miracle of Miracles Screening
PRIDE Re-Screening
BOO Crew 2 (Rose Villa’s Halloween Party
Rose Villa Views Sep. 2023 edition

Aug. 31
North District Meeting announcement
El Grito Bus Trip Sep. 16