Activity Update 2023-05-24 – RV clip: MC Jammers

Maintained by Steve Morris and Don Lehman

Caroline Lehman IMG_7947
Joan McPherson IMG_3763
Karen Morris IMG-0938
Caroline Lehman IMG_7947 Joan McPherson IMG_3763 Karen Morris IMG-0938

Photo credit: Caroline Lehman, Joan McPherson, Karen Morris


Wed, May 24

Birthday:PK Gott, Apt. 250, Cubby J8
Birthday:Wayne Medford, Apt. 102, Cubby E3
Birthday:Tony Faast, Apt. 3022, Cubby E14

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Aqua Aerobics
  • 10:00am Circuit Training-Weight Room
  • 11:00am OTTER Training, Art Studio South Main, Flyer
  • 11:00am Line Dancing (Schroeder Lofts Rec Room), Flyer
  • 11:00am Lazy River
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:00pm Fiber Circle (Art Studio)
  • 01:30pm Water Volleyball
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong for Brain and Balance, South PAC
  • 02:00pm Ping Pong, Rec Room
  • 02:00pm Bridge
  • 04:00pm Weekly Happy Hour, South Main Lobby, Flyer


Thu, May 25

Birthday:Nadine Larson, Apt. 8212, Cubby A25
Birthday:Nancy Dasenbrock, Apt. 8301, Cubby C25

  • 08:00am Clinic
  • 09:00am Fred Meyer bus
  • 09:00am Brain Power Class, PAC South, Flyer
  • 09:00am Coffee with Friends – Schroeder Lofts Rec Room
  • 09:30am Sewing and Mending, Sewing & Quilting Studio
  • 10:00am Exercise Class – Zoom & Fitness Studio
  • 10:30am Rosebud Ribbon Cutting, Flyer
  • 11:00am Zumba Gold, Fitness Studio
  • 11:00am Roman Catholic Mass, Vista Lounge
  • 11:00am Roman Catholic Communion, Vista Lounge
  • 11:15am Bible Study-on summer hiatus
  • 11:30am Cooling Inflammation with Food – Overflow Class, Rec Room, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Mah Jongg (Vista Lounge)
  • 01:00pm Laughter Group with Laura Lou, Zoom, Flyer
  • 01:00pm Treasure House
  • 01:00pm Zen Meditation with Shin yu, Tranquility Room
  • 02:00pm Exercise: Chair Aerobics-Zoom & Fitness Studio, Zoom
  • 02:00pm Readers Theatre, PAC North, Flyer
  • 04:00pm Gentle Yoga with Katrina-Fitness Studio & Zoom, Zoom


MC Jammers

The MC Jammers Ukulele group performed to a standing-room only audience in the North PAC yesterday.  See their entire performance at this link.


Upcoming Events

May 25 – Rosebud Ribbon Cutting
May 31 – A Cautionary Tale #2-Art Installation, Flyer
Jun 03 – Wine, Women and Dementia Screening, Flyer
Jun 11 – Sunday Supper,

Helpful Information

Air quality this morning at RV was 24 which is Good

Wellness Calendar, Flyer
Harvest Grill May 21-27, Flyer
Trumpet May 21-27, Flyer


May 30 Deadline: Sign up for A Cautionary Tale #2, Flyer
Jun 02 Deadline: Order Rose Villa Pride T-Shirts, Flyer
Jun 20 Deadline: Rose Villa Views article submission

Recent PBX Notices


May 22 – Letter from Clackamas County Sheriff

May 21.- June Sunday Suppers

May 18 – June Movies 

May 17 – Resident Forum notes

May 17 – Safety Committee Fire Warning

May 17 – Work Load Update

May 16 – Updated 2023 Resident Handbook

May 16 – Fob System Upgrade

Mar 16 – Resident Forum Notes

May 15 – Resident Council Group and Committee Reports