Invest in the Rose Villa Foundation!

by Elliot McIntire

The Rose Villa Foundation exists to ensure that no resident outlives their resources. To ensure that, the Foundation builds its cash reserves so we can cover any eventuality. Most of our funds have been contributed by residents, and you can contribute in a variety of ways. The simplest is to just drop contributions into the Foundation’s box across from Resident Services when you are collecting your mail. But there are many other ways to contribute as well.

Be a Pacesetter. Residents and Friends who contribute $240 a year, either on a monthly basis or as a single contribution, become members of the Pacesetters, who are invited to several special events during the year. If you are revising your will, consider including the Foundation in your estate plan and become a member of the Legacy Society, and enjoy our annual dinner. For a minimum of $15,000, the Foundation will set up an annuity, which gives you immediate tax savings, and provides quarterly payments for the rest of your life.

There is the Fall Fund drive, which last fall raised  over $47,000, and in normal years, one or two major fund raising events, such as an auction or a casino night. Or you can provide a permanent memory of a loved one or  pet in a paver (see photo of one at left) located along the path in the Tranquility Garden behind the PAC. Proceeds from the Treasure House and the summer Tuesday Market also support the Foundation.

The Foundation is there for you. If you are interested in exploring how you can contribute to the Foundation, talk to me or any member of the Foundation Board, or inquire at Resident Services.