Bill Scheible

Earth Day Bird Walk

by William Scheible

In observance of the 51st annual Earth Day, Rose Villa residents Ed McFarlane and Bill Scheible guided friends and neighbors on a walking tour of our campus, seeking to find and identify those birds most frequently seen and those who probably nest on the premises.  Staying within

April 2, 2021 – the “day after April Fools Day” episode! Residents tell stories and jokes to make you giggle or groan!

March 19, 2021. Our first topic is Spring Equinox, followed by Arlin Brown interviewing  the Pet Committee: Carol Richie, Suzanne Townsen, and Nancy Rorden.

Scarlet Tanger

Bill Scheible (North Pocket)

Bill says he has always enjoyed nature and the outdoors but waited until he was 50 years old to seriously take up birding.  Initially he was captivated by “listing” and travelled widely in search of birds, visiting six continents and all 50 states.

Generally he prefers …

Bill Scheible and Ed McFarlane talk about birding at Rose Villa. Karen Hudson-Brown introduces us to her piano and plays some Debussy.