Cindy Brown

Neighborhood Must-See: The Dragon Gate

reported by Cindy Brown

The Dragon Gate is at 1218 SE River Forest Road. It’s at the end of a fairly long driveway with a “No Trespassing” sign at its beginning, so you can’t get too close, but it is still a spectacular sight.

According to the Raymond Hunter Fine …

Local Artist Rick True

Reported by Cindy Brown

If you drive south on River Road and turn left on Vineyard Road, you will, after a couple of blocks, come to the home of Rick True (#3112), a local artist. Mr. True does outdoor sculptures, many kinetic, and his yard is a delight to visit, …

(adapted from Accuweather)

“As you plan your spring garden, consider adding pollinator-friendly trees and plants to provide food and habitat for bee populations that are in decline across the country and worldwide.

“According to Connie Schmotzer, consumer horticulture educator for Penn State Extension, many bee species have been negatively affected …

Little Free Libraries

reported by Cindy Brown

According to Wikipedia, “Little Free Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes neighborhood book exchanges, usually in the form of a public bookcase. More than 90,000 public book exchanges are registered with the organization and branded as Little Free Libraries. Through Little Free …

In today’s episode, Wes Brown interviews Ann Watt about Ann’s experience swimming across the Columbia River multiple times – without a wet suit!  And in a new “Council Corner” program that will feature something from the Resident Council meeting each month, Council member Cindy Brown talks about the way-finding map …

In this episode you will learn about the candidates who are running for the Resident Council, Pat Snider is interviewed by Jan Wainscott, and Paul Wathen will talk about his upcoming program series, Village Voices.

Episode 27 is a special episode featuring the Rose Villa Resident Council – what it is, what it does, and some of the important issues the Council has helped resolve in the past.