Dianna Shaffer

reported by Dianna Shaffer

QUESTION 11: Gluten Free I have tummy issues and started following a gluten free (GF) diet. RV has GF dishes but sometimes I would like dessert. Do they have GF desserts?

 Ms Foodie: To help others understand this often puzzling declaration that a friend or relative …

reported by Dianna Shaffer

QUESTION 10: Sugar SubstitutesI have a sweet tooth and I know I should cut back on sugar and desserts at RV. I have heard there are some sugar free desserts at RV. Tell me about them.

 Ms Foodie: This is a challenge for most …

Reported by Dianna Shaffer

Dear Ms. Foodie:

QUESTION 8:  Salt in Foods – My doctor warns me to watch my salt intake.  RV prepared meals often taste too salty, especially with added sauces.   How can I cut back on sodium?

ANSWER: “Salt” and “sodium” are often used interchangeably as terms …