Cindy Brown

Judie HansenBy Judie Hansen 

and Jennifer Allen

The Treasure House had a few challenges last week due to an A/C compressor that lost its mind and decided to self destruct.  Thanks to Steve Waud in Maintenance for supplying a couple of space heaters, but we learned quickly that the heaters and …

The Treasure House: A great 2021!

by Judie HansenJudie Hansen and Jennifer Allen (Co-Managers)
Things were very busy in the Treasure House during December, and we added a two day  Sneak Peek sale and an Attic Treasures sale on the same day while the store was also open.  This process involved about 15 volunteers to set it

By Elliot McIntire

Editor’s note: Elliot has collected some interesting statistics about the Rose Villa resident population. This is an example.

The most common given names of the 2000 people who have lived at Rose Villa have changed through time.  Looking at the total of all residents, the most common …

Water birds on the Willamette

On our walk today we went up the trail through Kellogg Creek Park along the Willamette and saw lots of birds. I’m attaching some photos: cormorants and geese, and the sign marking the beginning of the trail. We also saw a snowy egret and a great blue heron, and a  …

The Grange

by Elliot McIntire

As you come up the hill from McLaughlin Boulevard on River Road you may have noted a plain building on the right identified as Milwaukie Grange.  Unless you have a rural background somewhere in your personal history you may have wondered what it is. At one time …

by Kate Dins
reported by Dianna Shaffer
Over 30 residents attended the Pacesetters Trivia Contest on Friday, September 3rd in the PAC.  Four teams competed by answering three rounds of trivia questions posed by Trivia Wizards Ruth Ross, Cathy Schar, and Byron Windhorst. Teams were both cheered and jeered by
Bean Bag Baseball's Newest Player

by Dianna Shaffer

On Saturday, August 28, 2021 M.A. Malone of Madrona Grove came to watch Bean Bag Baseball…we talked her into trying out for the team.  Her first throw was a HOME RUN!  Way to go, M.A.!!!!!  We want you to come back every Bean Bag Baseball day and …

Day Trip: Historic Oregon City

Oregon City is a wonderful place for a walk: a short distance south from Rose Villa on McLoughlin, it features tons of historic homes, a lovely walking path on a bluff above the Willamette with gorgeous scenic views, and well-marked historic sites. One marker informed us that Oregon City was …

by Kate Dins

Are you aware of all the resources available under the Foundation icon on Touchtown? If not, check it out! You’ll find links about the Foundation’s financial assistance for residents that include the financial assistance policy and application, as well as the procedure for applying for a mini-medical …

Rose Villa's Lifeguard Corps

by Kate Dins

(reported by Dianna Schaffer)

An intrepid group of RV residents and staff participated in six days of Lifeguard Certification training this month. As you may know, we are required by state regulations to have a lifeguard on duty whenever the lazy river is operated. During the pandemic, …

Restaurant Review: Milwaukie Greek Food Cart

This food cart is in the pod near the Milwaukie  Max station. Betty Hosokawa says:

“Ed and I went to the Gyros food cart in Milwaukie for lunch today.  I have to second everything Pam said about the tenderness of the lamb.  I will add that they are huge and …

Day Trip: Meldrum Bar Park

This lovely park is about 11 minutes south on River Road, at the confluence of the Willamette and Clackamas Rivers. There are lots of birds to watch and plenty of river scenes to admire.

Day Trip: Multnomah Falls

Editor’s note: If you have lived in the region for any length of time, you have almost certainly visited Multnomah Falls. But, if you are new to the region, or have somehow not gone yet, this is an attraction not to be missed! My two must-see attractions for out-of-town visitors …

by Paul Wathen

Village Voices provides a way for Rose Villa residents to share their interests and expertise with one another through video “episodes” appearing on the resident website, In each episode a resident speaks for about twenty-five minutes, usually with supporting graphics and audio, and since April 2020 …

Restaurant Review: Henry Higgins Boiled Bagels

recommended by Karen Morris.

Years ago I went to his first store in SE to buy bagels for the team I was working with at the time.  They were handmade in the store and I watched them boil the bagels!   Authentic New York style boiled bagels, possibly the first one …

Day Trip: Vista House in the Columbia Gorge

Vista House is located on the historic Columbia River highway a few miles east of Portland. The website ( has plenty of information and directions. My favorite excursion for visitors new to Oregon is to take them to Vista House and then a few miles down the road to Multnomah …

Restaurant Review: Papa Haydn

Editor’s Note: If you lived in the Portland area before moving to Rose Villa, you are familiar with the famous and beloved Papa Haydn on NW 23rd Ave. in Portland and will be thrilled to find out there is a branch nearby! If not, you are in for a treat! …

Neighborhood Sight: Trolley Trail Creature/Sculpture

I wanted to call it the Trolley Trail Troll (just for the sake of alliteration), but actually my walking companions (Arlin and Cathy) think it’s a dragon. In any case, this elaborate wood sculpture, which involves the creature draped over and encircling a small house-like structure, can be found close …

Bean Bag Baseball Babe! (Ruth)

reported by Dianna Shaffer

Congratulations to Lisa Mcfarlane, who “threw” five home runs on Saturday, July 31, 2021. No doubt Lisa contributed to Team A winning all three games!